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By using this website you are agreeing to Terms & Conditions.  

Terms & Conditions

Please read the following Terms & Conditions carefully:

  1. Find a Receptionist has been developed to provide Medical Receptionist / Medical Administration related job listings/& related services to Medical Receptionists / Administration staff & related personnel from various medical related practices/ institutes/ hospitals.
  2. I understand Find a Practice Manager is a separate / dedicated division of the Find a Receptionist platform.
  3. Users of this site agree to accept all terms & conditions, else are not permitted to the use of this site/or the associated services of Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager.
  4. Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager is not liable for any inaccurate information which may be provided by either the Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration staff or related personnel or Medical practices/ institutes / Hospitals.
  5. Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager is not liable for any adverse incidences which may occur from the employment of Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Managers or related personnels by the Medical practices/ institutes/ Hospitals.
  6. Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager is not responsible or involved in any workplace agreements, conditions or rate of pay contracted between the Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Managers or related personnels by the Medical practices/ institutes/ Hospitals.
  7. All payments to Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager  are made via invoice – with banking details outlined on the invoice, whereby payments can be made after Ad placement (not at the time of placing an Ad).
  8. I understand that the Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager job listing page can be seen as large national advertising notice board , where by Medical Receptionist/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Manager or related personnel applicants apply directly to the contact details within each ad. Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager is therefore not involved with applicants applying via the advertised positions, as applicants & advertisers correspond directly with each other, hence the reason why Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager states it is not a recruitment company. However, in the event where an advertiser has difficulty in obtaining a suitable applicant, then on request only by the advertiser – Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager is happy to source a suitable applicant whereby an alternate pricing structure will apply.

FOR Ophthalmic / Radiology & all other Medical based practices/ companies /institutes & Hospitals:

I understand I need to comply with the associated employment rights and awards concerning Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Managers or related personnels together with the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.



  1. I understand that Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager has a contact list of Medical Receptionists / Medical Administrative staff who wish to be notified via: sms, should an urgent or random position arise. I understand that these Medical Receptionists / Medical Administrative staff have NOT been screened or interviewed by Find a Receptionist. I understand it is the Medical practice / institute / Hospital responsibility to view the Urgent or Random Medical Receptionists / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel’s qualification certificate/s & CV / relevant work experience details prior to them filling in urgently or randomly. Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager is not liable if the person arriving to fill in for the given urgent or random position is not appropriately qualified or fit for the urgent or random position.
  2. I understand that Find a Receptionist holds the Medical Receptionists / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel’s qualification certificates / CV for the purpose of placing them officially on the urgent or random sms listing only & will pass this onto the relevant practices/instututes/ Hospitals after the relevant Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel wishes to work at the given practice. I understand that the sighting & collection of qualification certificates & CV’s by Find a Receptionist is not involved or associated with any screening or interviewing of the Medical Receptionists / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel.
  3. I understand that when Find a Receptionist locates a Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel to work the requested urgent or random position, then that Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel’s contact details will only be given to the Medical Practice/ Institute or Hospital once payment is made & once the signed ’email of agreement’ form is returned to Find a Receptionist.
  4. I understand to initiate the ‘Urgent or Random’ Request Service, I need to both: lodge an ‘Urgent or Random’ Request and then call the revealed mobile number. Failure to call the mentioned mobile number will result in an unprocessed request.
  5. I understand that Find a Receptionist endeavors to find an available Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel when requested, however it is not 100% guaranteed that an available Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel will be located. Lodging a request is free of charge.
  6. If Find a Receptionist is unable to locate an available Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel then no payment is to be made. If Find a Receptionist begins the process of locating/ organizing a suitable person to fill in & then the practice/institute/Hospital no longer requires this service or has a change of mind – a cancellation fee of $95.00 will be charged to the practice/institute/ Hospital.
  7. I understand I need to sign off on an email of agreement, which is an agreement by the practice/institute/ Hospital regarding – section: 10 of this terms & conditions page (ie: an agreement that the practice/company is unable to contact the same Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel in future without going via Find a Receptionist (Please see: point 10 )
  8. Find a Receptionist will forward an email to the practice from the Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel which will state they are willing to come in and work the requested urgent random position.
  9. If for some reason the arranged Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel fails to attend and work the urgent position, then no refund will be provided by Find a Receptionist [note: should that situation arise, contact Find a Receptionist again and another attempt to locate another Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel will be made at no extra charge [provided it is the same initial request]
  10.  I understand that the practice/institute/Hospital can not personally contact the Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel arriving to fill in again in future for any other position. If any future urgent or random position arises for the practice/company, I must contact Find a Receptionist again and the Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel will be contacted again by Find a Receptionist . Under no circumstances can the practice/institute/ Hospital approach the Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel who was originally sent by Find a Receptionist. Any breech of this will result in permanent suspension of all services related to Find a Receptionist/ Find a Practice Manager / FIND A Pty Ltd for both the practice/institute/ hospital and the Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel involved, with legal prosecution attached. The practice may specify a particular Medical Receptionist / Medical Administrative staff /or related personnel by name when contacting Find a Receptionist again in future & offered to work the position first if available. [This section 10 – is the section within the email of agreement form which practices/companies must sign & return to Find a Receptionist].


  1. I understand Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager will post longterm or Locum positions for Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Managers or related personnels to view. Interested Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Managers or related personnels will apply directly to the practice/institute/hospital.
  2. All job ad’s submitted require approval from Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager before becoming live on this site. Approval is usually within 1- 4 hours, however may take up to 12 hours.
  3. All job ad’s submitted outside of Australia must include any banking fees/ conversion fees attached – liable for the advertiser to pay.
  4. Ads remain on the website for 60 days ( most effective within first 30 days)

FOR All types of Medical Receptionists/ Medical Administration Staff / Practice Managers or related personnels 


  1. I understand I need to register for free to be on the urgent or random contact list and a sms will be sent to me whenever any urgent or random position arises.
  2. I understand the names of Medical Receptionists / Administration staff & related personnel on the urgent or random sms listing is kept confidential and is not visible on this site for others to see. My name & contact number will only be passed on to the relevant Ophthalmic / Radiology / or other Medical related practice / institute or Hospital should i express interest in the urgent or random position.
  3. I understand i need to send my CV/ qualification certificate to Find a Receptionist to be sighted. These documents will be retained by Find a Receptionist in order to be officially placed on the urgent or random sms listing.
  4. I understand I need to inform Find a Receptionist should I wish to be removed from the sms listing.
  5. I understand i need to inform Find a Receptionist each time there is a change in any of my ‘Days Off’/ availability to work. I may do this via: sms or email.
  6. I understand that once I register to be on the urgent or random listing, Find a Receptionist will give me a welcome call. This may be outside of normal working business hours.


  1. I understand I need to apply directly to the contact details of the longterm/ locum ad.



Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice a Manager ensures that all personal information held is kept confidential and that all personal information is only collected, disclosed, used and stored in accordance with the National Privacy Principles set out under the Federal Privacy Act 1988. Any personal information collected will only be used and disclosed for the purpose for which it has been provided for.


This website or no part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied or published in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent from Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager / FIND A Pty Ltd.

Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager / FIND A Pty Ltd reserves all intellectual property rights. Users of this site must agree to not infringe or violate the rights of Find a Receptionist / Find a Practice Manager / FIND A Pty Ltd. Users who breach any or part of the terms & conditions or copyrights will face legal prosecution. Copyright 2023.

FIND A Pty Ltd. Find a Receptionist. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023.

FIND A Pty Ltd. Find a Practice Manager. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023.